National Coming Out Day Worship

October 8, 2023 2:00 - 4:00pm  |  Calvary UMC Sanctuary

2525 North Rock Road, Wichita, KS, USA

Come and celebrate National Coming Out Day at a joint worship service with UMC churches across the Wichita community on Sunday, October 8th at 2pm! This worship service helps all of us remember and celebrate the LBGTQIA+ community and the journey folks take to coming out in their own way at their own time. By worshiping together, we are saying: you are safe and affirmed here just as you are!
This is the 5th year Calvary UMC will be celebrating this special day with churches across our connection and this year our church family will be doing the hosting, the preaching and the music leadership in worship! Come hear Phillip Johnson Clay preach, the Arise Band lead music, and our Calvary family host the event!
And! To learn more about Coming Out Day: its meaning and its purpose, click on this link to our church website, written by our own Larry Tobias!
If you’d like to be a part of the hospitality team, please let Ashley PBT know! See you on the 8th!