Camp Sunflower Spaghetti Fundraiser!
April 19 - 20 2024 | Calvary's CLC Gym
On Saturday, April 20th, Calvary will be hosting Camp Sunflower’s Annual Fundraiser for their summer camp for LGBTQIA+ youth! This is the second year our church has participated in this fundraiser and this year, we are helping by holding it at our church!
Save the Date to come and eat on Saturday, April 20th and support Camp Sunflower!
AND! Volunteers are needed to help the event run smoothly! We need six volunteers on Friday, April 19th to set up chairs and tables and make the space ready for the event. On Saturday, April 20th, we need twelve folks to work 2 hour shifts, greeting and taking tickets for the spaghetti feed itself!
To Volunteer, please reach out to Ashley PBT at