Back to School Blessing!

July 21 - August 11  |  Calvary UMC

2525 North Rock Road, Wichita, KS, USA

Shopping for school supplies and gearing up for a new year of learning can be very excited for students and their teachers! And, when a kiddo—or a classroom—doesn’t have what they need, it inhibits learning and makes the start of the year a stressful one.

We want to turn that stress into blessing this year!

Calvary’s Outreach Team is excited to support our school partners, Little Early Childhood Center and Cloud Elementary and they gear up for a new school year!

This year we will support Cloud by purchasing school supplies and girl’s backpacks for their students to use this year.

We will support Little Early Childhood Center by purchasing sensory table supplies, snack incentives and small toys for the surprise boxes teachers use during classroom circle time!

Please bring any supplies you purchase back by August 11th or donate today and let the Outreach Team do the shopping for you! You can give online at or in the breeze app—or leave a gift with back to school in the memo line in one of our offering boxes! Thanks!


The List: Back to school – 2024 shopping list