Featured Playlist: Emotions (Sept 2021)

These playlists are designed for families with children ages 0-5th grade and will be noted if they are age specific. The activities are short (usually only 5-10 minutes) and include family conversations, Bible stories, devotionals, printables and more. They reflect the building blocks that are important for a child’s faith development .
Choose the activities that work for your family. Pick a time that works...once a week, every day or somewhere in the middle. Use one or two things or use them all. It's up to you as you grow in your faith together!


This month in Sunday school we are exploring our big emotions, discovering what God has to say about emotions and practicing healthy ways to recognize and live with our emotions. We kicked off our unit watching the movie “Inside Out” for our Family Backyard Movie Night.

Michigan Conference UMC is happy to share with us a great playlist already compiled where you’ll find amazing resources to help your child navigate big emotions in healthy ways! Click the image below to view.