We consider each person to be a beloved child of God, particularly kids! Here at Calvary kids are nurtured from birth through 5th grade in their faith development by emphasizing these 8 building blocks. We surround each child in safe, creative spaces and provide caring adults alongside them, so that they can grow in love by connecting with God and others to serve our world. We call this FAITHWORKS! Kids and their families are encouraged to be active participants in the life of our church and community, growing together as disciples of Jesus Christ.

Early Childhood Faith Formation
Kids, Birth-Preschool, gather on Sunday mornings from 9:40-10:30am to hear the stories of God's love for them, play and create in faithful ways, and be nurtured by faithful adults who will guide them in faith! Classes for Infants, Toddlers and Waddlers, and Preschoolers are provided!

Childcare Positions Available!
See a Job Description and Application below:

Upsidedown Town: Sunday School for Grade School!
Kids K through 5th grade gather Sunday mornings 940-1030a in Upsidedown Town (the basement rooms beneath the church gym) for a 6-week rotation of games, creative storytelling, interactive Scripture lessons, and more.

Safe Gatherings
Safe Gatherings is a comprehensive system that incorporates an online application, online abuse prevention training, several levels of background checks, and paperless reference checks for people who volunteer or are employed with churches, schools, and organizations that serve or work with children, youth, and vulnerable adults.
Contact us below to request access request access to our Private Facebook Group by filling out the form below or contact Rev. Ashley PBT @ ashley.pbt@calvarywichita.org