Justice Together Luncheon
March 3, 2024 12:00 - 1:30pm | Calvary UMC: CLC Gym
If you attended a DART listening session last fall or are interested in learning more about the interfaith justice non-profit that Calvary, along with 30 other houses of faith in Sedgwick County, formed in late 2023, join us for lunch on Sunday, March 3rd.
During this 90-minute meeting, we will share a meal provided by our Justice Together Team Leaders and do the following:
- be informed about the work of “Justice Together” and their research findings around Homelessness and Mental Health in our community
- get excited about how we can be a part of the systemic solution to these important issues and be trained for our next steps
- Commit to attending the Nehemiah Action Assembly and create a list of individuals to call to invite to the Assembly in May
We hope to see you on March 3rd! RSVP to Ashley PBT at ashley.pbt@calvarywichita.org to let us know you are attending!